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Bars & Clubs in Geneva Rooftop°42 bars-lounge


Rooftop°42 - Geneva

Clubs, Lounge Bars, After work Bars


42 Rue du Rhône, 1204 Genève - Suisse

See the map | Itinerary


Open Tuesday - Saturday
  • Tuesday 10am to 1am
  • Wednesday-Thursdday 10am to 2am
  • Friday-Saturday 10am to 2.30am

Rooftop°42 offers a unique setting with a minimal, contemporary style, located on the top floor of an office building with a magical view of the large fountain in Lake Geneva. The venue is like a chameleon, changing its look to appeal to a varied clientele and reinventing its ambiance throughout the day.

Entertainment is also on the menu during dinner and throughout the evening. Wednesday through Saturday, from 10pm to 2am, DJs from around the globe create a club atmosphere with dance music for an exhilarating soiree.

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Key points

Successful mix of a trendy New York bar and a chic bistro!


In the heart of Geneva, with an exceptional view of the water from the 8th floor of a building on the Rue du Rhone!
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