FRANCOIS PLANTATION Tropical Chic Restaurant

Mar 10, 2020

Restaurants St Barth
François Plantation restaurant is nestled in the hills of Colombier, in the heart of lovely tropical gardens at Villa Marie, a luxury boutique hotel.
Lobster ravioli with foam, veal chop with Caribbean spices, or bouillabaisse made with local fish…Under the palm trees by the pool, or in the restaurant with vintage furniture and interesting objects found all over the world, the restaurant transports you into a relaxed ambiance with a colonial touch, where refined French cuisine with regional accents is served in style.

Key points: Dinner – lunch – breakfast, with healthy and vegetarian options, and the famous pineapple flambé with aged rum
Plus: A cigar and rum bar for an initiation to the quintessence of local specialties.
Reservations recommended.

Découvrir le restaurant "Cliquez sur l'adresse"


Colombier, ST BARTH

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