
Restaurants in St Barts Nao Beach lunch

Average price 44 €

Nao Beach - St Barts

Asian, French, Gluten free, Japanese, Mediterranean, Seafood, Sushis, Vegan, Vegetarian



St Jean, 97133 St Barthélemy

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Located on the beach in Saint-Jean Bay, Nao Beach is a tribute to the island’s gentle way of life, with its turquoise horizons and heavenly shores.


This beach club and restaurant offers a culinary and festive experience in Saint-Barthélemy, where you can indulge in a unique menu crafted by talented chefs Kawaï and Delage.


In the kitchen, Japanese flavors blend with Mediterranean influences, creating a fusion of culinary talents and sensibilities. Their menu features special creations and signature dishes, all prepared with fresh, contemporary ingredients. In the afternoon, the beach club comes alive with DJs, celebrating the moment and the joy of being together.

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Key points

  • Combination of Japanese and Mediterranean cuisine
  • Sunbeds
  • Daily DJ set


A heavenly setting in front of the Bay of St Jean.


Upper St Jean


Google Map
Average price based on a starter and a main course 44 €

Please make reservations at least 24 hours in advance.


You will get an email confimation from the restaurant.


Near this place

Le mag - St Barts

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